Money matters – it plays an important role in our lives. It therefore makes sense to actively address money issues – something which only very few people do. But we need a sound grasp of basic financial facts to cope with the money issues in our lives and manage our personal finances. Everybody needs skills and knowledge in the financial field to be able to take the right financial decisions and participate successfully in economic activities. We firmly believe that financial education is a powerful tool to improve people’s individual lives and advance society at large.

Based on this belief, we have launched the initiatives Starte dein Projekt and Geld und so.

donation-based crowdfunding platform for students.

The programme is run collaboratively by Erste Bank and the savings banks of Erste Group, the Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship (IFTE) and the Vienna Board of Education to support the presentation and funding of school projects. “Starte dein Projekt” is a hands-on programme that promotes entrepreneurial spirit and thinking. Two free-of-charge workshops are offered to assist students in finding project ideas and building project management skills: an “Entrepreneurial Design Thinking” workshop helps them formulate business ideas, and “Project Playground” teaches basic project management skills.